Save the date for prek and kinder registration May 2-6 and dual language parent meetings april 19 at 12 or 6pm, april 20 at 12m and april 21st at 6pm

Round Up, Enrollment & Registration

Two Steps to Start School

Pre-K & Kindergarten Roundup is the first part of the registration process. You will complete part two in July when online verification opens.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Snyder Primary School 325-574-8600.

2025-2026 School Year PreK & Kindergarten Round Up Dates & Times

Step 1: Enrollment

snyder primary school exterior photo

Location: Snyder Primary School, 3601 El Paso Ave. Sndyer, Texas. 79549

Dates & Times:

  • Mon. April 7, 2025: 9am - 2pm

  • Tues. April 8, 2025: 9am - 2pm & 4pm - 6pm

  • Wed. April 9, 2025: 9am - 2pm & 4pm - 6pm

  • Thurs. April 10, 2025: 9am - 2pm

  • Fri. April 11, 2025: 9am - 2pm

​​​PreK & Kindergarten Roundup is enrollment for new students. Kindergarten students who attended Snyder ISD Pre-K during the previous school year will complete online verification in July.

Required Documents

Bring these documents with you to the Pre-K and Kindergarten Round up.

  • Birth certificate

  • Social Security card

  • Immunization record

  • Parent / guardian identification

  • Proof of residency (gas, water, or electric bill with current address listed)

  • Proof of guardianship (if not parent)

  • Proof of income (PreK only)

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at 325-574-8600.

Step 2: Registration Verification

Pre-K & Kindergarten Roundup is the first part of the registration process. You must complete part two in the summer when online registration verification opens.

Age Requirements for PreK & Kindergarten

Pre-K: Students must be 4 years old by September 1st of the upcoming school year and meet eligibility requirements.

Kindergarten: Students must be 5 before September 1st of the upcoming school year.

Pre-K Eligibility

To be eligible for enrollment in a free pre-kindergarten class, a child must be at least four years of age on or before September 1 of the current school year and meet at least one of the following eligibility requirements:

  • To be eligible for enrollment in a free prekindergarten class, a child must be at least four years of age on or before September 1 of the current school year and meet at least one of the following eligibility requirements:

    • unable to speak and comprehend the English language

    • is educationally disadvantaged (eligible to participate in the national school lunch program... guidelines about NSLP eligibility can be found in sections 4 and 6 of the Texas Department of Agriculture’s Administrators Reference Manual)

    • is homeless, as defined by 42 USC, §11434a, regardless of the residence of the child, of either parent of the child, or of the child's guardian or other person having lawful control of the child

    • is the child of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who is ordered to active duty by proper authority

    • is the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty

    • is or has ever been in the conservatorship of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (foster care) following an adversary hearing held as provided by Family Code §262.201 or has been in foster care in another state or territory, but currently lives in Texas

    • is the child of a person eligible for the Star of Texas Award as:

Source: Texas Education Agency Pre-Kindergarten FAQ Page